Vforce3 reed cages dramatically increase horsepower in Artic Cat motors & CPC custom built motors. VFORCE3 Reed blocks double the reed tip surface of a standard reed valve. The advantages of doubling the reed tip surface are numerous. On a VForce, with it's less restrictive design, the reed petals only travel half the distance of a standard valve resulting in greater airflow through the entire RPM range and increasing reed petal life. Throttle response and horsepower are greatly increased with the addition of a VForce, however fuel economy is typically also greater, due to the efficiency of a VForce reed valve system. Snap together cage design that utilizes symmetrical reed petals, eliminating the need for different "inner" and "outer" replacement petals. The new design completely eliminates the need for screws, so when you do need to finally replace your worn reeds the job is literally... a SNAP. Patent pending reed tip shape that accelerates the air mixture over the reed tips, ensuring increased airflow for increased horsepower.